“I found myself in a sea in which the waves of joy and sorrow were clashing against each other.” – Naguib Mahfouz
“Feelings are much like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.”― Jonatan Mårtensson
”You're not a wave; you're apart of the ocean”.- MITCH ALBOM
“Let the waves hit your feet, and the sand be your seat.” – Anonymous
“Sit in reverie and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“The cure for anything is salt water—sweat, tears, or the sea.” – Isak Dinesen
Sometimes, you just have to go with the waves.- ANONYMOUS
Waves are the voices of tides. Tides are life.” – Tamora Pierce
Life is a series of waves to be embraced and overcome. Danny Meyer