a collection of honest paintings
“Centered” is a collection of abstract paintings that I’ve been working on during the summer . These paintings flowed from my subconscious while painting them. It’s a style of abstraction that I haven’t experienced in my career as an artist. I usually am influenced by artists from Rothko, Frankenthaler, Twombly, De Kooning, to Basquiat to name a few. My paintings usually in part, reflect that style. With this collection, I found an authentic expression without any main influence. I posted photos of my progress of these paintings on Instagram and I got a note back from an extraordinary artist and friend, Jo Hay (no relationship) Here is the note as follows…
“I hope you don’t mind me saying this: I’m not sure what you should call your show but I will say that these paintings are a lot less frantic and much more centered and honest. I’m beginning to really see you in them rather than a reflection of yourself through someone else. It’s so great to see! Maybe it’s all the yoga!! I REALLY LOVE that one on the bottom right. Keep painting!!!
So this note got me thinking: in Baptiste style yoga, there is a lot of inquiry as well as the physical poses and asanas. A way to become your authentic self. In Baron Baptiste’s book, “40 Days to Personal Revolution” there are 12 laws of transformation to become your authentic self. Through applying these laws like “Seek your truth”, has somehow unconsciously flowed into my art and painting creating a real authentic style and feeling, keeping to my color aesthetic and pushing through to express my true self.
My intention would be that people take away at first from this collection, a feeling of delight and intrigue as the color and shapes from these paintings poke and prod them, creating an authentic experience that they could take away and connect with their authenticity. We often never really inquire about our own authenticity until we are prompted by some influence or event. I hope that through the titles of these paintings (some of the laws of transformation) and the experience of viewing the paintings that I could guide someone to know or want to know a little more of what makes them, them: their authentic self.
The answer to “how” is to be in the Present moment.
Growth happens a little at a time, little by little, step by step, breath by breath, moment by moment.
Growth does not happen yesterday, which is the past which is a memory. Nor will it happen tomorrow, which is the future, which is a fantasy.
Growth and Real change happens in in the now, because right here, right now is all you’ve got.”